Parking Permit Wait Lists
Welcome to the Borough of Bound Brook, NJ: Parking permit wait-listwait list portal. This section allows users to subscribe to a permit wait list, or query current position in permit wait lists.
For questions or assistance please click here to contact us by email or contact us at 732-356-0833 ext. 635.
Please select either "Search Wait List" or "Join Wait List" from the options below. These options provide the following functionalities:
Search Wait List
- Select a lot you'd like to check.
Enter the first and last name you'd like to search for.
- Or leave blank to see a full list.
- Press search to see your position, or the full wait list.
Join Wait List
- Enter your name, address, and contact information and press Submit to join the wait list.
You will be added to the list for the selected lot and will be notified if a permit becomes available for you.
A portal account requitred to join the waitlist. NOTE: this is same account used for permit applications or ticket appeals.
If you do not have an account, please create one by clicking the "Sign Up" button below: |
Contact Us
Borough of Bound Brook230 Hamilton St.
Bound Brook, NJ 08805
Tel: 732-356-0833 ext. 635
Borough Hall Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30am – 4:30pm
Email Us
Privacy Policy